Its weird, though if you think back to Figure it Out, it kind of contains. “Trouble’s Coming” stands as Royal Blood’s first musical offering since their 2017 sophomore album, How Did We Get So Dark? which included the singles “ Lights Out” and “ Hook, Line & Sinker. Royal Blood have premiered a new video for their new song Honeybrains.

Prior to the single, the duo appeared on a cover of Foo Fighter’s “Times Like These” alongside Ellie Goulding, Dua Lipa and more for BBC’s Children In Need and Comic Relief benefits. The single had first been teased in late September, with Royal Blood offering the single on a 7″ record. The single was first released last month, and had been the duo’s first single in three years. Please note that our catalog only lists songs that weve set up within our system not every track from an album is displayed. The music video brings the dark atmosphere found in “Trouble’s Coming” to life, matching the heavy instrumentals and Kerr’s twisting lyrics, where he details personal demons and bordering on psychosis. Whether they can top their debut album is a big ask, something affirmed by the third song Figure It. The neon colors of oranges and red create a small gleam of light, only adding to the demonic affect. One listen to Lights Out and you know instantly who it is. The dark hue of the video matches with the demonic theme, both Thatcher and Kerr playing their instruments and performing the track at parts of the video, locked in a room together. Kerr finds himself in front of a car, opening the truck only to find himself in it before drummer Ben Thatcher comes toward him, keeping him locked in and driving away.

The Royal blood bassist and vocalist makes his way into a bathroom, where he sees a dark figure standing behind him in the bathroom mirror before the world starts spinning. Mike Kerr wakes up on the ground, his fists and mouth covered with blood as he lies in the pavement.